# Map

Maps allow to store key-value data. For example a phone book where the name of someone maps to a phone number.

# Parameters

sd.map takes keySd, valueSd and headSd.

  • keySd is the serializer/deserializer for the key components of the map.
  • valueSd is the serializer/deserializer for the value components of the map.
  • headSd is the header that will indicate the amount of entries in the map.

# Usage

A simple map that indexes users by id.

const id = sd.string(sd.ascii, sd.uint8);
const user = sd.struct({
  name: sd.string(sd.utf8, sd.uint8),
  age: sd.uint8

const { toBytes, fromBytes } = sd.use(sd.map(user, sd.uint16, id));

# Specifications

[amount of key-value pairs (headSd)][...[key (keySd)][value (valueSd)]]

The amount of key-value pairs will be encoded at the start of the payload. It will then be followed by the actual pairs.